External  rollcage defender 110 HT, the measurements  Main            07-11-2008    Click on the photo's to enlarge them.

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One dimension is very important, the distence between the central and rear leg. If this length is not taken correctly the legs cannot been mounted in a proper way due to the construction af the defender. The inner legs should not touch the stiffening bracket.

Measure the outside length from the door to the rear of the car, it should be 2137 mm.

The central leg should be found measured from the door at 123..216 mm, then a space of 1792 mm [the most important dimension] and than the rear leg on the following 93 mm. Leaving 36 mm to the end of the car.

[ in my case one side was correct, the other side was 5 mm longer and give some extra work, see pictures ]

Correct side:                                                    The too long side.


An other important dimension is the inner width of the bulkhead behind the seats.
The Safety Devices drawing suggests a dimension of 1622 mm. In my case it was 1624 mm, not a real problem. The reference length of 1406 mm for the under-body connection tube is the important one. You could assembly those tubes and check those 1406 mm. If the dimensions are different you have to do well educated changes.