AS-10 Main Click on the photo's to enlarge them.
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Engine immobilisation and anti-theft alarm
- Thiese functions are realized by the Alarm-ECU which measures some
sensors en switches and depending on the setting will produce
immobilisation and alarm.
- Interior light and central door locking are controlled by the alarm
ecu [AS10].
- Immobilisation and alarm are by flips
The Nanocom diagnostic unit can be used to measure and set AS10 values.
Passive sensors. [Alarm -> ground]
- 1. Driver door.
- 2. Passenger doors in combination with rear door.
- 4. Bonnet.
Active sensors.
- 1. Ultra sound interior sensor, volumetric protection. if triggered
replaces feed by pulses [ longer than 50 ms or 3/min]
- 2. Coil for immobilisation system. Is read when ignition is on. It
exites the handset which sends a remobilisation code.
- 3. Crack rpm.
- 4. Flip [RF handset]
- 1. Alarm light [LED] in Speedo meter. Flases when alarm is set for 10
seconds the goes to a slower speed until the alarm is disarmed
- 2. Horn[s]
- 3. Alarm lights.[ 3 flashes = armed, 1 flash = disarmed]
- 4. Immobilisation. The AS10 sends the ECU a coded digtal signal
- 5. Interior light. will illuminate when disarmed for a certain period.
Diagram for 1999 Defender TD5, younger types may differ.


Interior light