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tekst in blauw geeft links aan naar onderliggende bladzijden

On the following links you will find  impressions of changes I made to my defender 110 HT 2003, I do not take any technical responsibility for the contents of these links, you can copy but you have to take your own responsibilty and also have to check it with your local rules and regulations. With other words these links are only sources for inspiration how too or how not too adapt your car.

tekst in blauw geeft links aan naar onderliggende bladzijden

  1. Where to put the 230 Volt external connection.
  2. The OBD-2 connector. 
  3. Headlight switch using existing switch and relais.
  4. Nanocom Evolution.
  5. Rear-door-cover removing.
  6. Second battery under driver-seat.
  7. Rear sparewheel carrier.
  8. External roll cage.
  9. Fight agains rust and Phillips-type screws.
  10. Service and history.
  11. Tools used since start LR pages [ generating tool-list ]
  12. Problems with sensors and actuators.
  13. Spare parts.
  14. Speciale goedkope tang voor blindklinkmoeren
  15. Links
  16. Cruise control
  17. Alternative console mounting screws.
  18. TD5 Fuel Pump. [under construction]
  19. Diverse.
  20. Parts
  21. Start-up gearbox cooling.
  22. Clutch
  23. Alarm.
  24. Exhaust gas temperature measurement.
  25. Cleaning inter cooler.
  26. Husky winch.
  27. Cooling Liquid.
  28. AS-10
  29. Storage boxes left and right, small and bigger.
  30. Resperation tube for diesel tank repair without removing tank.
  31. Some info related to AC system.
  32. Transferbox
  33. Travel spare set.
  34. Electricity Budutop roof tent.
  35. Troubles around drive train.